
Thomasville sofa tables
Thomasville sofa tables

thomasville sofa tables

When Thomasville was still manufacturing domestically, you could really see the quality of their cabinetry, and the finer materials. Thomasville Furniture Prices, for reasons mentioned above, really did fluctuate and change depending on Thomasville’s collections. Of course, you can find that the company adapted to changing styles throughout the years and to changing economic shifts. By this, I mean that Thomasville made so many different lines of furniture, from extremely high end Traditional styles in cherry and mahogany, to more mid-market lines. That said, Thomasville, throughout its 100 year history, has been much like a chameleon. The earliest pieces from the company when it was still known as the Thomasville Chair Company are considered the most rare and valuable. Vintage pieces from the Thomasville Furniture company run the gamut from chairs to dining room furniture and many different types of furniture in between.

thomasville sofa tables

Some of the pieces available in the modern catalogs include a cabinetry line which is exclusive to the Home Depot. Many of the modern Thomasville Furniture pieces are exclusive to the modern catalogs, which may or may not have anything to do with the original company designs. The availability of Thomasville Furniture Company products will depend on whether you are looking for vintage pieces or modern pieces. In some cases, the furniture being sold under the Thomasville brand is in name only in other cases, it follows the original blueprints of the old Thomasville Furniture Company. The original company was sold in the 1960s and integrated into a larger parent company over the years, the company changed hands several times, and the Thomasville moniker was sold to several different owners who split up the company into numerous facets which continue to operate today. During this time, the original company went through several owners despite this, the company still experienced financial success even through economic hardship of the 1930s. Over the next few decades, the catalog expanded to include the aforementioned furniture pieces. At the time, it was called the Thomasville chair company, since the company focused on producing chairs exclusively. The original Thomasville furniture company was founded in 1904. Unfortunately, due to International Trade Deals, globalism, and other factors, this was the fate of several furniture companies, including Pennsylvania House Furniture, Harden Furniture and even, to some extant, Ethan Allen Company.

thomasville sofa tables

As of this articles publishing (July 2020), ABG still owns the name Thomasville Furniture under their umbrella of over 50 furniture company names. Then, Authentic Brands Group (ABG) purchased these names from Heritage Home Group in 2018. In 2018, Heritage Home Group purchased companies like Thomasville, Harden Furniture and Drexel Furniture. In recent years, 2014 and on, the name was sold several different times. Thomasville does not manufacture furniture in their North Carolina workshops any longer. Many people ask, Is Thomasville Furniture still in business? The short answer is, no. In addition to operating numerous factories, the company had several hundred retail stores throughout the country which sold furniture produced by the Thomasville name. As the company experienced continued success, it began to produce a variety of furniture, including bedroom sets, dressers, tables and more. The original Thomasville Furniture company was best known for its handcrafted chairs. Although the original company has since closed, furniture production under the company name has continued in several forms. Thomasville Furniture Company is a furniture company which primarily specialized in chair production before expanding its catalog drastically over the next several decades due to the company’s initial success.

Thomasville sofa tables